Order a Privacy wood Fence Quote

*See samples at the bottom of this page


Type of the Ornamental Fence

* In order for the warranty to be valid, the project must be registered online at www.ameristarfence.com/product-registration, within 30 days of fence installation. Failure to register the project will void the warranty, without further action on the part of Ameristar
** More about AmeriStar warranty

How tall do you need it to be?

Do you need a gate?

 Single walk-in gate Single driveway gate Double driveway gate Sliding gate

How many total gates

Do you need an automatic opener?

 for a sliding gate for a swing gate

Existing Fence removal


Haul off service?


Security cameras on Fence

 Yes No

Upload Fence line Drawing

Fence as it looks now

Sample of the fence that you like us to build